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JFK Files Reveal Robert Kennedy And CIA Plotting False Flag Attacks To Provoke War With USSR

False flag conspiracy theories have arisen from thousands of global tragedies ever since pirates allegedly spawned the term by flying the flag of the home country they were preparing to attack.  Of course, these "conspiracy theories" would be far easier to discredit if they'd stop coming true...

Alas, a recently revealed document from the so-called 'JFK Files' will only serve to stoke the flames of conspiracy theorists as it very clearly confirms a plot crafted by then Attorney General Robert Kennedy and the CIA to carry out a false attack that could be pinned on the USSR and serve as a basis for a U.S. "counterattack".

According to a formerly "Top Secret" document summarizing a meeting from March 22, 1962, officials from JFK administration secretly strategized on the best way to "manufacture or acquire Soviet aircraft," including a MIG 17 or MIG 19.  Per the following except, plans ranged from building aircraft that could stand up "distant observation" or "close observation" and ranged in cost from $3.5 million to $22 million.

So what were these replica planes to be used for?  Well, it turns out those details were laid out with some level of specificity as well...that is, if you can get beyond the brilliant efforts at redaction in the excerpt below...

"There is a possibility that such aircraft could be used in a deception operation designed to confuse enemy planes in the air, to launch a surprise attack against enemy installation or in a provocation operation in which Soviet aircraft would appear to attack U.S. or friendly installations in order to provide an excuse for U.S. intervention. If the planes were to be used in such covert operations, it would seem preferable to manufacture them in the United States."

According to the Daily Caller, the meeting was held by the “Special Group (Augmented),” which according to an encyclopedia on the Central Intelligence Agency, included Attorney General Robert Kennedy, CIA Director John McCone, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer. And while not members, President Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Rusk were said to attend certain meetings as well.

Perhaps it's time to once again reassess what you 'think' you know...

With that, here is the full document: