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John Podesta Claims FBI Helped Trump Beat Clinton

John Podesta has accused “forces within the FBI” of helping Donald Trump win the US election. In his first interview since the election in November, Clinton’s campaign chief said that “forces within the FBI wanted [Clinton] to lose.” RT reports: Podesta told journalist John Heilemann that FBI director James Comey’s decision to publicly disclose that the bureau was looking into more of Clinton’s emails, just 11 days before election day, was “inexplicable.” Podesta said he believes there are only two reasons why the FBI would pursue Clinton in the public way they did: “There are at least forces within the FBI that wanted her to lose. I’m not sure they really understood the alternative, but they wanted her to lose. I think that’s one possibility.” “I think the other is it’s just become a cover-your-ass organization, and there was pressure coming up from underneath him, and he succumbed to that pressure.” Either way Podesta says the “terrible mistake of judgment” did “terrible damage” to the Clinton campaign: “If you look at the polling at that time, that’s when the race began to tighten in that last week.” Podesta went on to reiterate previous claims that Trump has close ties with [...]

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