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John Williams Warns "A Move To Impeach Trump Will Tank The Dollar"

Outspoken exposer of the establishment smoke and mirrors, economist John Williams spoke with USA Watchdog's Greg Hunter this week in a far-ranging interview from Trump impeachment to economic collapse and from the demise of the dollar to physical gold ownership as the "ultimate hedge."

A big factor in the dollar’s value is political stability or the perceived political stability. Right now, you have a circumstance in Washington where there is tremendous political discord. I can’t remember seeing anything like this in the past.


The President has effectively had his options shut off in terms of moving the economy. I was looking for him to get elected because of the weakness in the economy. . . . This intensifies the problems for the economy, but I can tell you right up front it’s a big negative for the dollar...


If you have a move for impeachment for the President, that will tank the dollar.

It appears the trend is in place for sure...

What does John Williams’ gut tell him to do before this Fall?

Williams says,

I would be out of the stock market, and I’d have my money in gold. I mean physical gold, physically owning the gold...


Suppose the things I am looking for begin to break. You may see rioting in the streets. You may see disruptions in the supply chains to grocery stores...


Gold is the ultimate hedge against all the craziness in the world and very bad financial markets, dangerous currency markets and bad inflation.  Physical gold is the ultimate hedge because it retains its value over time... I have been looking for it to go higher, and it is going to go a lot higher as the circumstances deteriorate."

Williams conclude rather ominously...

"As the dollar plummets, so will U.S. stock prices. They are heavily supported by the influx of capital from abroad...


Given the underlying fundamentals in the markets and in the economy, I think all the components are in place for one of the great financial panics of all time."

Judging by the recent moves in markets, they are inching that way...