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Kim Jong-un Launches North Korean Version of Facebook

Kim Jong-un has launched the North Korean version of Facebook, creating a clone of the social media platform for citizens to freely use.  An anonymous engineer created the platform as a means of giving people in North Korea the ability to keep in touch with friends and family in a country where many websites, including Facebook, are censored. reports: Based on media reports we gathered, this new social media launched in North Korea looks exactly like Facebook. It has been named the Best Korea’s Social Network. The homepage has a thin blue banner at the top with a search field for “people, #hashtags, !groups.”After registration, users can upload a cover photo and profile picture, find friends and message them. Users can also post a status message and scroll through a News Feed just like Facebook. Below is a screen shot of a profile on Best Korea’s Social Network taken by CNN Money. According to CNN Money, a researcher at DYN, Doug Madory, first discovered Best Korea’s Social Network. DYN is a company that monitors Internet use and access around the world. After discovering it, Madory then decided to trace where the server is located. He finally traced the server to [...]