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Krauthammer Issues Stark Warning Over Mueller Investigation: “We Should Be Treading Very Carefully Here”

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Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer issued a stark warning to America last night in an interview with Tucker Carlson, calling the idea of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s witch hunt and the slow march towards impeachment “a catastrophic mistake.”

In an earlier Fox segment, Krauthammer responded to news that Mueller had impaneled a grand jury for the investigation, saying “Tonight’s news is not just a threat to Trump and his entourage but it is [a threat] to constitutional stability.”

He later told Carlson, “The danger here, the pity here is that we’re still discussing the legitimacy of an election of a president, 6 months in. That is never healthy for a democracy,” Krauthammer added “This has never happened to us, and that’s why I hope people would tread carefully.”

Power to the people

During yesterday’s rally in West Virginia – the state won by the largest margin – President Trump gave a particularly rousing speech, painting a picture of corrupt, Russophobic D.C. politicians trying to invalidate a fair election, rendering their votes meaningless. Trump told the crowd “We didn’t win becaues of Russia. We won because of you.”

Krauthammer’s take was that Trump’s packed rally was a reminder to the establishment that true power lies with the citizenry. “I think that the appearance that he did in W. VA tonight is a way of saying “my numbers may be down, but I command a formidable army,” adding “I think we should be treading very carefully here. This is where we are. We’re sort of sleepwalking into this.

Tucker: From the very first day, people were saying we’re gonna take him out, now this investigation looks like it has the potential to do that. If that were to happen, some of these voters might conclude that they’re not really allowed to pick their own President.

Krauthammer: That’s why I think we’re really headed into really choppy and dangerous constitutional waters. We know what the Democrats want to do, they want to get control of the House, and on day one they’re going to start impeachment.

In July, up to 25 House Democrats reportedly began working on a bill to start impeachment proceedings against Trump – though the proposal has yet to be sponsored.

 Mueller Time

While discussing the Robert Mueller’s deep-dive investigation into whether or not the Trump team colluded with Russia, Krauthammer reminded viewers that any investigation needs to start with evidence of an actual crime.

Now, I happen to think, as you know I opposed the Trump candidacy. I don’t think he’s very well fit for the presidency. But fitness is not a reason for impeachment and removal. High crimes are. Here we have a prosecutor looking for high crimes.

With Watergate you started with a crime and then you tried to find out how it happened. Here, they’re looking for a crime, perhaps they’ll find one – I don’t know. Collusion is unseemly but it ain’t a crime. 

This is an investigation in search of a crime. Show me the crime, I’m open to empirical evidence. If they show it, I’ll be open to say well maybe this ought to be prosecuted. But as of now, it is something that’s closing in, and it is very dangerous. Charles Krauthammer

Krauthammer is absolutely right. The Mueller investigation was based on the flimsy Comey memo, much like the Russian interference probes in the House and Senate are largely based on a largely discredited report.

As Trump loyalists are purged by Natl. Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, and General John Kelly insulates the President – much like Nixon’s final weeks, one can’t help but wonder if we are truly living in a banana republic if a democratically elected President can be removed from office simply because the establishment doesn’t like him.

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