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Libyan Unity Government Rejects Deployment Of British Troops

The head of  Libya’s new unity government has turned down the offer of Western troops to help eliminate ISIS in the North African state. The move may come as a shock to some in the British establishment who were expecting a request for UK troops now that the war-ravaged state’s UN-brokered unity government has assembled in Tripoli. RT reports: A UK government source told the Times on Wednesday the request had not materialized. The source felt the force structure being floated – an Italian-led brigade of 6,000 with a 1,000-strong British component – would exacerbate internal divisions. Its aims would have been to tackle people-trafficking and train Libyan forces to fight IS. Another unnamed source, a British minister, told the Times it was thought the head of the unity government, Fayez al-Sarraj, may wait until he is more established before requesting foreign military help. Al-Sarraj and his government only arrived in the country a fortnight ago amid fears their entry would spark violence among the rival militias. “The idea that the PM is yet able to give the green light to anything is premature, he needs to make sure he has the necessary support,” the minister told the Times. “We [...]