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Litvinenko’s Brother Claims British Spy’s Kills Him, Not Putin

The brother of murdered Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko has said that he believes British intelligence were responsible for Litvinenko’s death, and not Russia or President Putin as is being currently reported.  Litvinenko died of radiation poisoning in 2006 after ingesting polonium in a London hotel. The murder has sparked a public inquiry, announced by Theresa May earlier in the week. reports: But in an intervention which has outraged the Litvinenko family, the spy’s younger brother, Maxim, claims British agents were responsible. His allegations are a dramatic U-turn from his original reaction, when he blamed Putin’s Russia. Last night, Litvinenko’s widow Marina rejected them out of hand, accusing her brother-in-law of spreading lies that she said echoed the views of the Russian state. In the days after his brother’s death Maxim told the world he believed he had died by the orders of the Russian state, saying: ‘My brother was one of Putin’s most dangerous enemies.’ However, two years ago he was approached by the Russian general prosecutor’s office who convinced him that Russia was not to blame. Today Maxim, 32, the half-brother of Alexander and a chef by trade who was left almost penniless when his restaurant business collapsed, is [...]