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London’s New Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Has Pro-Gay Credentials

London has voted for a new mayor in the form of Sadiq Khan. He is the first London mayor with Muslim and Asian heritage and he won 57% of over 1.3 million votes. Some people are curious to know if the non-white, non-Christian new mayor of London is also non-homophobic. The Gay UK reports: Sadiq Khan is the MP for Tooting in London. During his term in office he has, according to,  “almost always voted for equal gay rights.” In 2007 he voted Yes on the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation), in 2013 he voted in favour of allowing same-sex couples to marry – but was absent for its third reading. In 2014, he voted to “enable the courts to deal with proceedings for the divorce of, or annulment of the marriage of, a same-sex couple” and in 2015 he voted to make “same-sex marriage available to armed forces personnel outside the UK.” Interaction with the community. During his campaign to become mayor LGBTI activists supporting Sadiq organised a fundraiser for his campaign at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. He recently also told ES Magazine that the best place to let your hair down in London was the RVT. He’s also [...]