With only a a few hours left before leaving office it appears President Obama is not going to officially pardon Hillary Clinton for any crimes, since he has unofficially done so already. Hillary will soon be at the mercy of an unforgiving President Trump. New York Post reports: Obama has pardoned or commuted the sentences of more than 1,000 people — in fact, he’s the most forgiving president in history. And while Hillary has until noon Friday to get a pardon for any crimes she may have committed, Obama as of noon Wednesday does not intend to pardon Madame Secretary. Why not? One reason: He probably doesn’t like her very much. The two were opponents for the White House in 2008 and harsh words were exchanged. And her appointment as secretary of state was more of a business transaction than anything else. And, as you can probably figure out yourself, Obama likely doesn’t want his legacy eroded any more than it already has been and will be as Trump undoes his actions. Plus, Hillary’s recklessness with her emails could have put Obama personally in an embarrassing situation. Months ago, I explained that Hillary needed permission from the White House to [...]
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