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Mainstream Media “F**king Pissed” At Trump – Vow To “Take Him Down”

Following Trump’s dressing down of mainstream media executives yesterday at a closed door meeting, many participants have fired back at Trump saying that they’re “emotionally f-ing pissed” at him.  Trump lashed out at media executives and anchors at Trump Tower on Monday, accusing them of being biased in their election coverage, and referring to them as a bunch of “dishonest, deceitful liars.” Trump singled out CNN, saying to president Jeff Zucker “I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed.” reports: Despite the conversation being completely off the record, many of the “emotionally fucking pissed” media anchors have decided to blow their embargoes and lash out at Trump.  According to one source interviewed by the New Yorker, the meeting at Trump Tower was “fucking outrageous.”  The same source also questioned how he could remain impartial after the meeting saying “How can this not influence coverage?”…yes, because coverage was so impartial up until yesterday. Another participant at the meeting said that Trump’s behavior was “totally inappropriate” and “fucking outrageous.” The television people thought that they were being summoned to ask questions; Trump has not held a press conference since late July. Instead, they were subjected to [...]

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