A huge widespread carbon monoxide (CO) spike has occurred over the entire West Coast of America – stretching from British Columbia, through Washington and Oregon, and on over most of California. Very little media coverage has yet been given, but early indications suggest that this might be a precursor to a major earthquake about to occur. Dailykos.com reports: Some theory on a possible earthquake connection from Natureasia.com: Earth emits a burst of carbon monoxide (CO) a few days before an earthquake, according to geophysicist Ramesh Singh. He and co-workers from France and the United States report that this gas could be used as one of the precursor signals for an earthquake early warning system. The scientists used data from an American satellite and analysed changes in carbon monoxide at different altitudes. “The carbon monoxide shows enhancement in concentration a few days prior to the earthquake,” Singh said. According to the scientists, CO gas is forced out of the earth due to the build up of stress prior to the earthquake “influencing the hydrological regime around the epicentre.” Be careful California, and review your disaster plans. Better safe than sorry. From Robert Scribbler: On February 26, The Global Forecast System model [...]