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Mattis Contradicts Trump: "We Are Never Out Of Diplomatic Solutions" On North Korea

In the latest public disagreement between President Trump and his top military advisor, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday said that when it comes to North Korea, diplomatic solutions remain on the table after he was asked to respond to a tweet by President Trump that said "talking is not the answer."

"No, we are never out of diplomatic solutions," Mattis said in an exchange with pool reporters before meeting with his South Korean counterpart Song Young-moo in the Pentagon. "We continue to work together, and the minister and I share a responsibility to provide for the protection of our nations, our populations, and our interests, which is what we are here to discuss today."

As discussed this morning, in his first tweet discussing the recent North Korean missile launch, Trump tweeted that "The U.S. has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years. Talking is not the answer!"

The market slumped briefly (the dip was quickly bought) after Trump appeared to be signaling that the administration was shifting tactics a day after a White House statement said "all options are on the table." Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have repeatedly said the top priority should be a diplomatic solution with North Korea. On Tuesday, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley called the test "absolutely unacceptable and irresponsible," noting that North Korea has violated "every single security council resolutions have had" and suggesting a hard-line shift in US policy.

As Reuters reports, Mattis made the comment during a media availability before the meeting, in which a reporter is allowed to ask a question on behalf of the press corps, which is then distributed to news outlets. Photographers and videographers are also allowed in.

After initially saying "no" after being asked whether the U.S. was out of diplomatic solutions, the reporter pressed Mattis over what options can still be taken.

"Now you're testing us here, you know," Mattis joked. "We bring you up here to take pictures."