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Maxine Waters Calls For Trump Impeachment (Before He Takes Office)

It has not taken much in the past to get the crazy out of Democrat Maxine Waters, and MSNBC's Chris Matthews was the perfect catalyst for the Californian congresswoman to explain why Trump's presidency is "not legitimate," and why he should be impeached...

We strongly suggest you put down any sharp objects, and ask the children to leave the room, before watching the following debacle...

Some key excerpts...

Waters went as far as to suggest that the nicknames Trump used against all his political opponents, even Republicans, were fed to him by Russia.

“If we discover that Donald Trump or his advocates played a role to help provide strategy - if they’re the ones who came up with ‘Crooked Hillary,’ if they’re the ones who came up with, ‘she’s ill, something’s wrong with her energy,’ and the way that he basically described her during the campaign - I think that is something that would put the question squarely on the table whether or not he should be impeached.”

“So, you think you can commit an impeachable offense before you take office?” Matthews probed further.

“Well, I think that at the point that investigations discover and confirm and can document any of that role in helping to strategize - they had a role in attempting to determine the outcome,” Waters said, not answering the question.

She attempted further reasoning on the fly, again failing to deliver any logical conclusion:

“…In many ways they used the information they got when they hacked into emails etc. — if that was used against Hillary Clinton in some way, yes I think that’s impeachable.” Waters suggested.


Matthews also suggested that “Russian television was running a lot of propaganda that Hillary was mentally and physically impaired. That was their - That was the propaganda message.”

“Do you believe that Trump is somehow being held hostage by Vladimir Putin because of information on his behavior?” Matthews then asked, despite the fact that the story was revealed to be totally fake last week.

“You know, what we have heard, not in the classified briefing, but in this information about the dossier that has been collected by the man in London on him,” Waters replied, “It talks about some things that appears to ring true based on what we have learned about Trump.”

That’s right, MSNBC are STILL pushing fake news about Trump as if it’s real. In fact, Matthews himself admitted last week that the dossier was complete “misinformation”.

Nevertheless, Waters continued to bring the crazy:

“Ok, what I have learn or heard about the dossier, it’s about his involvement with women. It’s probably prostitutes that are involved and those kinds of things. And he has sounded that way. He has acted that way, and it gives you reason to think maybe something is to this and we need to find out more.” the Congresswoman declared.

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