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Media Blackout: Russia Destroy 600 ISIS Targets This Weekend

Russia have successfully destroyed over 600 ISIS targets in Syria over the past 4 days, the Russian Defense Ministry have confirmed, amid a total media blackout by the West of their campaign.  “Over the past four days Russian aviation has conducted 157 combat missions hitting 579 terrorist targets in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Deir Ezzur, Homs, Hama, Raqqa and Lattakia,” the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters. reports: More than 40 tons of humanitarian aid have been delivered to the Syrian areas blocked by terrorists, including Deir Ezzur, Konashnkov added. “The command of the Russian air group in Syria continues to deliver food and first aid to the Syrian territories blocked by the terrorists. Yesterday, we delivered over 40 tons of the humanitarian aid to residents of Deir Ezzur and other besieged areas,” the spokesman added. Russian Su-34 strike aircraft bombed several ISIL targets in the Syrian province of Lattakia, wiping out 20 enemy militants and 4 pickup trucks with mounted machine guns, Russia’s Defense Ministry representative Major General Igor Konashenkov told media Tuesday. According to Konashenkov, the airstrikes were launched against ISIL militants holding strategic elevated positions in the province. As acts of provocations, terrorists have increased attacks on civilians in order to blame the Syrian Army for the shelling later, Igor Konashenkov noted. “Seeing that they have no chance [...]