Kenya’s ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is on the verge of being reversed. The African country may soon allow the use of genetically modified cotton and maize seeds following pressure from agribusiness giant Monsanto, USAID, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Kenya banned GMO imports in 2012 and the upcoming approval has been met with heavy protests by opponents. Last year activists rallied in Nairobi against the lifting of the GMO ban, citing health concerns. Lifting the ban is also perceived as a ploy that would benefit large multinationals such as Monsanto and other powerful organizations. RT reports: Monsanto’s modified cotton seeds produce insecticides to poison butterflies and moths. Dr Charles Waturu, director of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), claims the Monsanto technology is the only solution, even though a recent Spanish study found Monsanto’s seed MON810 does not increase yields or reduce damage compared to natural maize. Hillary Clinton, as US Secretary of State, visited KARI’s facilities in 2009. At the time, the activist watchdog group GM Watch highlighted the failure of the US$6 million USAID-Monsanto-KARI GMO sweet potato project. Kenya’s National Biosafety Authority organized a forum last month to garner feedback about the Monsanto application, [...]