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NATO Prepares To Put Troops On Russian Border

Amid escalating tensions, NATO is preparing to deploy approximately 4,000 troops to Russia’s western border Robert Work, the US Deputy Secretary of Defense announced the Western military escalation on Russia’s border, which he claims is in response to Russia conducting ‘extraordinarily provocative’ military exercises inside their own borders near the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Meanwhile, EUCOM Chief, U.S. General Philip Breedlove says that NATO’s European Command “needs to change”  and has urged the military to get back to the business of war planning, a skill he says waslost during the post-Cold War era adding that his objective is to send a signal of deterrence to Russia.   The Ron Paul Institute reports: According to Deputy Secretary of Defense Work, two of the battalions would come from the United States, with one each coming from the UK and Germany. This announcement might come as news to German lawmakers, as such a significant German military presence on Russia’s borders has not been approved by Berlin. Although German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given Washington reason to believe that Germany would join the escalation, the move is considered highly controversial in a Germany growing weary of following US foreign policy dictates. [...]