The masked man who featured in the latest ISIS video, showing the apparent killing of five men accused of being western spies, is thought to be a former Londoner who used to work in the child entertainment business. The new face of Islamic State terror is believed to be Siddhartha Dha, a former Arsenal fan from north London known as Sid, who used to sell inflatable bouncy castles as a living before changing to a more gruesome profession. Gawker reports: Dhar was apparently identified by his former friends and family after ISIS released video of a masked man killing prisoners accused of spying for the west. Though the militant has not been formerly identified, Dhar’s sister reportedly confirmed to reporters that the “man in the video sounded just like her brother.” And according to Reuters, documentarian Robb Leech—who met with Dhar in 2013—also says the jihadist “looked and sounded” like the man who used to facilitate children’s birthday parties. Via Reuters: British newspapers said he used to sell children’s inflatable bouncers, known as bouncy castles in Britain, and was a fan of Arsenal soccer club and the rock group Nirvana. “The last time I saw him it was about two [...]