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New Russia Sanctions Unveiled By US Senators

A bipartisan group of US senators have introduced legislation to impose sweeping new sanctions against Russia over its alleged attempts to interfere in the 2016 US presidential election. Among the bill’s co-sponsors are warmongering Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, both critics of the President-elect Donald Trump. Five Democrats and five Republicans unveiled the new sanctions this week just days after the intelligence community released a declassified version of a report accusing Russia of meddling in the election. Press TV reports: The proposed legislation would solidify many of the sanctions President Barack Obama’s outgoing administration has imposed against Russia and limit President-elect Donald Trump’s ability to improve relations with Moscow. The new sanctions include visa bans and financial asset freezes against those the US intelligence claimed were behind the cyberattacks against US Democratic organizations and officials. The hacked emails, which were allegedly provided to WikiLeaks by individuals working for the Russian government, were a regular source of embarrassment to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton during the presidential race and may have contributed to her defeat. “We should all be alarmed by Russian attacks on our nation,” Sen. John McCain told reporters, as he criticized the Obama administration for a lack [...]

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