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New World Order’s War On Cash Soon To Arrive In U.S.

The elimination of cash is being pushed globally in a bid to make bankers even more powerful, as the New World Order continues tightening its grip on humanity via its financial arm – the central banks. The “war on cash” as it is sometimes called has been going on for some time in nearly every country with a privately-owned central bank. This “war” seeks to eliminate all cash, forcing the populace of a particular country or economic zone (in the case of the European Union) to depend on bank cards and online banking transfers for any and all purchases. No economic expertise is necessary to see that this move would give banks even more power over the world’s populace, allowing banks to track all purchases and have complete control over a person’s access to their own money. Physical cash is much harder for banks and governments to steal via taxes, bail-outs, and negative interest rates. True Activist reports: The plan is a nightmare for impoverished countries or countries where wealth inequality is particularly pronounced. In these nations, many stores and vendors do not accept bank cards and many citizens do not have or use bank accounts, essentially alienating them from [...]

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