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Meet The Crypto Company - up almost 20,000% since inception in September...

To a market cap of over $12.6 billion...

Grant's Interest Rate Observer drew the world's attention to this 'company' yesterday...

Shares in over-the-counter name The Crypto Company, which listed in May and traded around $20 as recently as Dec 1st, have gone on a parabolic run in the last ten days - trading as high as $642.


That gives the Malibu, California-based business a market capitalization of $12.6 billion.


Valuing the Crupto Co. is somewhat difficult, as the only public filing on Edgar (the SEC website), is its securities offering document, in which it ticks the box "decline to disclose" under revenue range.


The company's website does note that it's in the business of providing "institutions and individuals direct exposure to the growth of global blockchain developments."


And today it is down 75%.

h/t @RudyHavenstein