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Obama Administration Begs Court Not To Depose Hillary Clinton

The Obama administration have pleaded with a court to prevent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from being deposed in a case connected to her use of a private email server.  The Justice Department filed a court motion saying they opposed efforts by legal counsel representing legal watchdog Judicial Watch in trying to force Clinton to testify. The feds say that the organisation are trying to “dramatically expand the scope of the lawsuit”. reports: Judicial Watch is “seeking instead to transform these proceedings into a wide-ranging inquiry into matters beyond the scope of the court’s order and unrelated to the FOIA request at issue in this case,” government lawyers wrote in their filing, referring to the Freedom of Information Act. The lawyers wrote that the request to interview Clinton “is wholly inappropriate” before depositions are finished in a separate case also concerning the email server. Judicial Watch’s FOIA case began as a way to seek documents about talking points related to the 2012 terror attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, but has since grown to encompass wider questions about Clinton’s use of a personal server while working as secretary of State. Last week, Judicial Watch asked the court [...]