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Obama To GOP: Stop Blaming Me For 'Creating' Trump

While admitting he shares some blame for the widening partisan divide during his term in office, President Obama dismissed the notion that he's responsible for the rise of Donald Trump, who has harnessed voter anger during his presidential run, urging GOP elites to do some "introspection" about the how "the politics they've engaged in allows the circus we've been seeing to transpire."

"I'm not going to validate some notion that the Republican crackup that’s been taking place is a consequence of actions that I’ve taken..."


As The Hill reports,

Despite his feuds with Republicans in Congress, Obama insisted that he wants “an effective Republican Party.”


“I think this country has to have responsible parties that can govern,” he said, adding the GOP could “challenge some of the blind spots and dogmas in the Democratic Party” on issues such as trade.


He pointed a finger at conservative media and GOP leaders for fueling “a notion that everything I do is to be opposed; that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal; that maximalist, absolutist positions on issues are politically advantageous; that there is a ‘them’ out there and an ‘us,’ and the ‘them’ are the folks causing the problems you’re experiencing.”

To this line of reasoning we offer the following simple reality of check of the fiction President Obama is peddling...


Of course, one has to believe Obama because he is 'Presidential' and would never say anything "outrageous" or lie...



So did he or didn't he? No matter - Trump is here now... and everything's about to really "change."