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The Periodic Table of Endangered Elements

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The Periodic Table of Endangered Elements

The building blocks for everything on Earth are made from 90 different naturally occurring elements.

This graphic made by the European Chemical Society (EuChemS), shows a periodic table of these 90 different elements, highlighting which ones are in abundance and which ones are in serious threat as of 2021.

Element Full Name Status
Ac Actinium Plentiful supply
Ag Silver Serious threat
AI Aluminum Plentiful supply
Ar Argon Plentiful supply
As Arsenic Serious threat
At Astatine Plentiful supply
Au Gold Limited availability
B Boron Limited availability
Ba Barium Plentiful supply
Be Beryllium Plentiful supply
Bi Bismuth Limited availability
Br Bromine Plentiful supply
C Carbon Plentiful supply / serious threat
Ca Calcium Plentiful supply
Cd Cadmium Rising threat
Ce Cerium Plentiful supply
CI Chlorine Plentiful supply
Co Cobalt Rising threat
Cr Chromium Rising threat
Cs Cesium Plentiful supply
Cu Copper Rising threat
Dy Dysprosium Rising threat
Er Erbium Plentiful supply
Eu Europium Plentiful supply
F Flourine Plentiful supply
Fe Iron Plentiful supply
Fr Francium Plentiful supply
Ga Gallium Serious threat
Gd Gadolinium Plentiful supply
Ge Germanium Serious threat
H Hydrogen Plentiful supply
He Helium Serious threat
Hf Hafnium Serious threat
Hg Mercury Limited availability
Ho Holmium Plentiful supply
I Iodine Plentiful supply
In Indium Serious threat
Ir Iridium Rising threat
K Potassium Plentiful supply
Kr Krypton Plentiful supply
La Lanthanum Plentiful supply
Li Lithium Limited availability
Lu Lutetium Plentiful supply
Mg Magnesium Limited availability
Mn Manganese Limited availability
Mo Molybdenum Limited availability
N Nitrogen Plentiful supply
Na Sodium Plentiful supply
Nb Niobium Limited availability
Nd Neodymium Limited availability
Ne Neon Plentify supply
Ni Nickel Limited availability
O Oxygen Plentiful supply
Os Osmium Rising threat
P Phosphorus Limited availability
Pa Protactinium Plentiful supply
Pb Lead Limited availability
Pd Palladium Rising threat
Po Polonium Plentiful supply
Pr Praseodymium Plentiful supply
Pt Platinum Rising threat
Ra Radium Plentiful supply
Rb Rubidium Plentiful supply
Re Rhenium Plentiful supply
Rh Rhodium Rising threat
Rn Radon Plentify supply
Ru Ruthenium Rising threat
Sb Antimony Limited availability
Sc Scandium Limited availability
Se Selenium Limited availability
Si Silicon Plentiful supply
S Sulfur Plentiful supply
Sm Samarium Plentiful supply
Sn Tin Limited availability
Sr Strontium Serious threat
Ta Tantalum Serious threat
Tb Terbium Plentiful supply
Te Tellurium Serious threat
Ti Titanium Plentiful supply
TI Thalium Limited availability
Tm Thulium Plentiful supply
V Vanadium Limited availability
W Tungsten Limited availability
Xe Xenon Plentiful supply
Y Yttrium Serious threat
Yb Ytterbium Plentiful supply
Zn Zinc Serious threat
Zr Zirconium Limited availability
Th Thorium Plentiful supply
U Uranium Rising threat

On the graphic, the area of each element relates to its number of atoms on a logarithmic scale. The color-coding shows whether there’s enough of each element, or whether the element is becoming scarce, based on current consumption levels.

While these elements don’t technically run out and instead transform (except for helium, which rises and escapes from Earth’s atmosphere), some are being used up exceptionally fast, to the point where they may soon become extremely scarce.

One element worth pointing out on the graphic is carbon, which is three different colors: green, red, and dark gray.

  • Green, because carbon is in abundance (to a fault) in the form of carbon dioxide
  • Red, because it will soon cause a number of cataphoric problems if consumption habits don’t change
  • Gray because carbon-based fuels often come from conflict countries

For more elements-related content, check out our channel dedicated to raw materials and the megatrends that drive them, VC Elements.

The post The Periodic Table of Endangered Elements appeared first on Visual Capitalist.