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Poland Believes A Russian Invasion Is Imminent

Today in Poland there are 80,000 militiamen training for a possible war with Russia. Believing an imminent Russian invasion is likely, Poles are living in the grip pf paranoia over their historic enemy. Yet it is not Moscow which is today threatening Poland’s sovereignty and independence. It is Washington and Brussels. A Russia Insider report: I have never been to Poland. But I know it is a country where Russophobic paranoia runs deep – perhaps more than any other country. The Poles and the Russians have been fighting each other for over 1000 years, going back to medieval Rus. Even Ukraine does not compare, for it has historic, cultural and blood ties to Russia that – despite the extremist anti-Russian veneer artificially imposed on the country – still generate a natural affinity toward Russia on the part of millions in Ukraine. One infamous Pole, Zbigniew Brzezinski, managed to worm his way into the halls of power in Washington DC and has been injecting Russophobic venom into US foreign policy for decades. He cannot help it. It is in his genetic code. Yet I didn’t realize how gripped Polish society was by paranoia until I chanced upon this report from Vice News on the 80,000 private [...]