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Police Arrest Man Who Attempted To Assassinate MH17 Witness

Police have arrested a man who is suspected of attempting to assassinate the chief expert witness in the MH17 investigation.  Ukraine’s most senior forensic scientist, Oleksandr Ruvin, was shot in the leg last year in an attempted assassination attack due to his knowledge on the downing of the Malaysia Airlines crash. reports: In a short statement, the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office said the country’s chief military prosecutor, Anatoliy Matios, would hold a briefing later on Monday “regarding the arrest of the killer who attempted to murder the chief expert on the case of the downed Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777”. A report into the downing of MH17 published in October 2015 confirmed the plane was shot down by a Russina-built Buk surface-to-air missile launched from eastern Ukraine. The incident, in which 298 passengers and crew on board a routine flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur were killed, and sparked a rapid review into the policy of allowing air traffic routes to pass over what is still a conflict zone. While the Dutch Safety Board’s report addressed ways in which the tragedy could have been avoided, it said it was for a criminal investigation to determine who was responsible for firing the missile which [...]