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Police State? Man Arrested For Being “Armed”… With Safety Pin

A man in Arizona who was protesting what is being called a “botched” presidential primary vote has been arrested on a felony charge. His crime? A state trooper claims a safety pin in the man’s pocket threatened him. NBC News reports: Jonathan McRae, 23, of Paulden, was arrested after he and other protesters were asked to leave the visitors gallery in the House of Representatives. Several protesters had moved to the gallery after the hearing ended in another part of the building, in anticipation of a House vote on a bill loosening restrictions on “dark money.” Police State Tactics McRae was “observed yelling and causing a disturbance,” according to court documents. McRae was asked to leave four times, then grabbed a chair when Arizona Department of Public Safety troopers moved in to remove him, the documents say. Before troopers searched McRae, he was asked if “there was anything on his person,” according to the documents. McRae said “no.”But when a trooper searched McRae, he was pricked by a safety pin that was open and pointing out from McRae’s shorts. The safety cover had been removed from the safety pin, documents say.McRae faces a felony charge of aggravated assault on an [...]