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Putin Vows Revenge After Obama Admin Torture Russian Mom

President Putin has vowed to seek revenge against the Obama administration after it emerged that a Russian mother was abducted and tortured by U.S. authorities.  According to a Security Council report, the Obama regime authorised the abduction of Olga Pimanova in order to steal her three-year-old daughter after she arrived in Chicago, in order to study for an MBA in business administration management. reports: Upon mother Olga’s reaching Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, however, this report continues, she was immediately detained by two unidentified civilian clothes wearing American policeman who put her into hand restraints (hand cuffs), transported her to a prison, then “tied her up and threw her into a jail cell with murderers”. For three days, this report notes, mother Olga was kept under torture conditions in the jail cell until Federation intervention secured her release—but only to house arrest, and should she leave the Americans have threatened to imprison her for 7 years. Mother Olga’s connection to the United States, this report explains, began nearly three years ago when she brought her nearly new born daughter Arianna to the United States to have an operation.  Arianna was born in Russia and is a citizen of the Federation and on [...]