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Putin Warns Americans To Be Careful Of Smart Technology

Smart technology is a tool being used by the New World Order to control and manipulate the masses and we should be ‘very, very careful’ about how much power we allow smart technology to have in our lives, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The “genius” of the New World Order surveillance project lies in the fact that “consumers have been conned into paying out of their own pockets for the devices that will spy on them and their families,” Putin said, speaking to a visiting group in the Kremlin. “The average American home is now rigged like a maximum security prison with surveillance in every room recording everything you say and do.” Samsung has admitted that their smart TVs listen and record customers’ every word, and that they send these recordings to unnamed third-party services. Google has also been exposed quietly recording and storing everything you say within earshot of an iDevice. They claim the ‘feature’ is a means for delivering more accurate search results and that they don’t turn over recordings to government agencies.  But considering the UK government just suddenly made all citizens’ internet history available to government agencies, the future implications of Google’s enormous trove of recorded conversations [...]

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