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Racist White Professor Calls For “White Genocide,” Then Blames Everyone Else For Misinterpreting His Racist Tweets

A Drexel University Political Science professor - who has a book coming out in February - and is a communist, graced the world with his Christmas wish to see an entire race of human beings exterminated. You know, like Hitler. 


Hilarious, right? Especially if you replace the word "white" with any other race. This warm holiday sentiment comes from the mind of George Ciccariello-Maher, a cultishly liberal academic who's never existed outside of a university environment, having previously corrupted young minds at U.C. Berkeley and the Venezuelan School of Planning in Caracas. Ciccariello then doubles down on his Christmas Eve banter:

To review, this is what he's talking about:

Nice guy. Now, in an attempt to backpedal during an Eichenwaldian moment of clarity liberals get after haphazardly revealing they're fucking idiots underneath that academic exterior, Ciccariello is lashing out by blaming everyone who was offended for not having "bothered to do their research" in preparation for his satirical tweets.

Drexel university has issued a statement:

No word on which wrist Drexel plans to slap, but 4chan anon knows what's up: 

People like Ciccariello-Maher exist to indoctrinate adult children into a reactionary class of morons who hear a trigger word and start regurgitating information without even moderate possession of the facts. These perpetual winners are are easily manipulated by identity politics which "intellectual" losers like Ciccariello capitalize on. While undeniably atrocious, slavery in America was conducted almost entirely by rich southern democrats - a small percentage of Americans, in the 1800's. It has been a fucked up institution for thousands of years, and is still happening today in many parts of the world. It's also been abolished in the USA for over 130 years, and the playing field has been legally leveled for over half a century despite structural racism legislated into society. There are of course vestiges of slavery which affect minorities to this day, none of which should be used as a tool for manipulation to generate guilt or resent - or as a reason to exterminate white people. I wonder if Ciccariello-Maher would issue the same call to genocide for all brown people, since slavery is alive and well in places like Saudi Arabia?

As long as angry radicalized career academics continue peddling white guilt to impressionable snowflakes - many of whom entered into lifelong debt to fund their own brainwashing, untold millions of basement-dwelling failures to launch will have a perpetual villain to blame for their shitty lives. That is, until the last white person has been exterminated.

inRead invented by Teads

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