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Record Breaking Numbers Protest In Iceland, Demanding Revolution

Record numbers of protestors have taken to the streets in Iceland demanding snap elections, calling on Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson to resign after the Panama Papers revealed he is among several leading politicians with links to offshore tax havens. The protests coincide with ongoing weekly protests held against the Icelandic government’s handling of the financial crisis in 2008 – which some have referred to Kitchenware Revolution. reports: There had been weekly protests since October 2008 against the Icelandic government’s handling of the financial crisis. The protests intensified on 20 January 2009 with thousands of people showing up to protest on Austurvöllur. Shock over recent news concerning the finance of the leaders of the two ruling parties in the government, the independent party and particularly the progressive party, has incited the protesters even further, with the number of people pledging attendance now reaching almost ten thousand individuals and over seven thousand interested. There are impromptu signs around the city, over bridges where drives are encouraged to honk their horns if they protest and signs in various spots in traffic demanding “Elections Now”, which is the slogan of the protest. Million of people came out. Protest against Iceland PM. Pressurizing PM for resignation after [...]