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Reddit Removes Statement Saying It Doesn’t Hand Over User Info

Popular website forum reddit attempted to quietly remove a section on its site where it once told users it had never received a US government surveillance request. Many users are upset because they believe reddit may now be complying with US Government requests to give up information on its users to clandestine government authorities or agencies. Reuters reports: Reddit deleted a paragraph found in its transparency report known as a “warrant canary” to signal to users that it had not been subject to so-called national security letters, which are used by the FBI to conduct electronic surveillance without the need for court approval. The scrubbing of the “canary”, which stated reddit had never received a national security letter “or any other classified request for user information,” comes as several tech companies are pushing the Obama administration to allow for fuller disclosures of the kind and amount of government requests for user information they receive. National security letters are almost always accompanied by an open-ended gag order barring companies from disclosing the contents of the demand for customer data, making it difficult for firms to openly discuss how they handle the subpoenas. That has led many companies to rely on somewhat [...]