As protests grow across the country over President Trump’s plan to repeal Obamacare, many Republican politicians are beginning to fear about the safety of themselves and their staff. House Republicans are holding private meetings to discuss increasing security at town halls and offices, Politico reported Tuesday. The Anti Media reports: Citing sources who were in the room, Politico writes: “House Republicans during a closed-door meeting Tuesday discussed how to protect themselves and their staffs from protesters storming town halls and offices in opposition to repealing Obamacare.” Some of the suggestions, the news outlet reports, include “having a physical exit strategy at town halls, or a backdoor at congressional offices to slip out of, in case demonstrations turn violent; having local police monitor town halls; replacing any glass office-door entrances with heavy doors and deadbolts; and setting up intercoms to ensure those entering congressional offices are there for appointments, not to cause chaos.” While protests are popping up all over, the Republicans’ private session was no doubt prompted by events that happened over the weekend. While speaking before a raucous crowd in Roseville, California, Representative Tom McClintock had to be escorted from the stage and away from the event by local [...]
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