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Russia: Hillary Clinton Behind Russian Ambassador Murder

Authorities in Russia believe that Hillary Clinton was directly involved in orchestrating the assassination of Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov.  According to Russia, the former Secretary of State had a very compelling motive to order the murder in order to exact personal revenge on Vladimir Putin. reports: But let’s start with the other question: did Hillary Clinton have the capability of organize the murder of the Russian ambassador? Yes. Turkish authorities are already saying that the murder was linked to the Fethullah Gulen’s secret organization which is famous for its close ties to the CIA and US State Department. As experts following Islamic organizations are saying, the claim that the armed Jaish al-Fath opposition coalition (earlier known as Al-Nusra) had taken responsibility for Andrey Karlov’s murder turned out to be a fake. Putting all of these factors together, the theory that the murderer worked for Gulen’s organization is more convincing. This organization’s links to the CIA and State Department are well known. They include financing as well as legal, organizational, and informational support. No wonder Gulen has lived in the US for many years and American authorities refuse to extradite this “preacher” to Turkey. If the killer really is from this [...]

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