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Russia Vows Strongest Air Support To Syrian Army In Aleppo

Russia has vowed that its forces will provide “the most active” air support for Syrian ground troops in and around the city of Aleppo to prevent terrorists from seizing it. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news briefing:  What is happening in and around Aleppo now is what we had warned the Americans about beforehand – and they know it: that we will in the most active way support the Syrian army from the air not to allow the seizure of this territory by terrorists” He added that “This will not be a surprise for the Americans.” RT reports: Al-Nusra Front, an al Qaeda offshoot in Syria, went on an offensive in Aleppo last week. The Russian military blamed the US for stalling Russian airstrikes against the terrorist group’s forces in the region. The US said moderate rebel groups mingled with the terrorists in some areas and that Russia should use caution and not strike those groups by mistake. “We believe there was plenty of time for the ‘normal’ opposition to leave Nusra Front territories since February. Those who didn’t part ways with the terrorists have only themselves to blame,” Lavrov added. Moscow hopes that the US is not trying to do [...]