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Russian Leader Says ‘Meteor’ In Chelyabinsk Was A ‘US Weapon’

The Russian leader of the Liberal Democrat Party has accused the U.S. of using a new type of weapon on Russia, saying that the meteor that supposedly fell in the Urals on Friday was, in fact, a highly advanced weapon sent by the U.S. government as a warning to Russia. “You’re like some primitive tribe. What meteorite?” Zhirinovsky told members of the press, adding that “when something falls – it’s man-made. People are warmongers and provocateurs.” reports: Earlier in the week, US Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly tried and failed to reach Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov by telephone for two consecutive days. The State Department said that Kerry wanted to discuss the recent North Korean nuclear test, as well as the conflict in Syria. However, Zhirinovsky claimed that the top US diplomat “wanted to warn Lavrov about the plot and that it may affect Russia,” RIA Novosti reported. Zhirinovsky, the perennial provocateur who is no stranger to controversy, set the Russian blogosphere alight following his latest off the wall accusation. Keen to challenge Zhirinovsky’s grip on reality, sandro737 commented on Echo Moskvy: “It’s not a joke anymore, it’s a[psychiatric] diagnosis.” User metalag soon responded: “Let me clarify your diagnosis – [Zhirinovsky] is [...]