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Russian Spaceship Burns Up In Failed Launch

An unmanned Russian cargo spaceship carrying provisions to the International Space Station was destroyed after liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Thursday. The Progress MS-04 cargo spacecraft failed to reach orbit and broke up minutes after take-off in the atmosphere over Siberia due to an unspecified malfunction, the Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Twitter. Miami Herald reports: The Progress MS-04 cargo craft broke up at an altitude of 190 kilometers (118 miles) over the remote Russian Tuva region in Siberia that borders Mongolia, Roscosmos said in a statement. It said most of space ship’s debris burnt up as it entered the atmosphere but some debris fell to Earth over what it called an uninhabited area. The Progress cargo ship had lifted off as scheduled at 8:51 p.m. (1451 GMT) from Russia’s space launch complex in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, to deliver 2.5 metric tons of fuel, water, food and other supplies. It entered an orbit nine minutes later and was set to dock with the space station on Saturday. Roscosmos said the craft was operating normally before it stopped transmitting data 383 seconds after the launch. The Russian space agency would not immediately describe the malfunction, saying its experts [...]

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