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Russian ‘Spies’ Kicked Out Of US Include Sick Kids And Pregnant Moms

So much for Obama’s claims to have expelled 35 Russian diplomats. It has been revealed that the Russian “intelligence operatives” kicked out of the US in retaliation for hacking the DNC include sick children, a pregnant woman and a chef. The December 29th decision by the Obama Administration to expel 35 Russian “diplomats” unleashed a storm of criticism in Russia. “Can you imagine how limited the amount of time it was and how urgently they needed to pack?” Nikolai Lakhonin, press secretary of the Russian Embassy in Washington, told LifeNews on Sunday. The Observer reports: This drastic step was announced as retaliation for hacking attacks alleged to be directed by Moscow and targeting American computer systems in an effort to influence November’s presidential election. The diplomats—together with their family members—were ordered to leave the country within 72 hours. Both the timing of the expulsion and its urgency were interpreted in Russia as last-minute petty revenge from the departing Obama team, on behalf of Obama’s former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. The Russians were ordered to leave before January 1, having only one day to finalize their financial affairs, terminate their apartment leases, pack their belongings and so on, as well as [...]

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