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Saudi Arabia Acquire Atomic Bombs From Pakistan

Saudi Arabia have violated the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty by acquiring nuclear weapons from Pakistan.  According to Saudi political analyst and spokesman for Riyadh, Daham al-Anzi, the Saudi regime have obtained atomic bombs in order to confront the “Iranian threat”. al-Anzi told Russia Today on February 19th that “We [Saudi Arabia] have nuclear bombs,” before repeating the same on another Arab channel. reports: Saudi Arabia had already declared [1] its intention to acquire nuclear weapons from Pakistan (not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty), of whom it finances 60% of the military nuclear program. Now, through al-Anzi, the Saudis have indicated that they started buying them two years ago. Of course, for Riyadh, this is to confront the “Iranian threat” in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, where “the Russians aid Assad.” That is to say, where Russia supports the Syrian government to free the country from Daesh (Islamic state) and other terrorist groups, financed and armed by Saudi Arabia as part of the US / NATO strategy. Riyadh has over 250 fighter-bombers with dual conventional and nuclear capability, provided by the US and by the European powers. Since 2012, Saudi Arabia is part of the “Nato Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency,” [...]