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Scientists Claim To Have Invented A ‘Magnetic Wormhole’

Scientists in Spain have created a “magnetic wormhole” in the laboratory which is reportedly capable of transmitting magnetic fields invisibly through space. While the manufactured wormhole does not connect two separate points in space-time and cannot answer physic’s fundamental questions, it does however connect two points in three dimensional space, albeit electromagnetically. Researchers at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have developed a spherical device capable of transferring a magnetic field from one point in space to another via a path that is magnetically undetectable. The results are published in Smash reports: The experiment involved designing a three-layer device which had two spheres connected by an interior spiral cylinder. It enabled the magnetic field to travel from one point to another on a hidden path. The inner layer was made of a ferromagnetic mu-metal, giving it a high level of magnetism, while the next two layers worked to conceal the travelling field. One was a superconductor shell that bent the field as it travelled through the ferromagnetic material, the other was a different mu-metal, cut and formed so as to cancel out the bending. The entire device was placed in liquid nitrogen to aide the superconductors. Normally, as a magnetic field travels [...]