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Scientists Confirm ‘Alien Probe’ Will Pass By Earth In 2017

Scientists have confirmed that in 2017 a mysterious ‘alien probe’ object will pass by the Earth, leaving them baffled as to its origin.  Scientists studying the approaching object say its continued speed does not make sense due to the fact that it continues to move towards us at a varying speed, meaning that it accelerates and decelerates gradually. The mysterious object was originally discovered in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti. reports: The object referred to as 1991VN is a mere 10 meters in diameter and has a heliocentric orbit spin past the edge of the Milky Way. But what’s unusual about it, there should be lots of similar objects, why must it be of ‘alien’ origin? Well, the idea that the object ‘could’ belong to an advanced alien civilization came after researchers identified several other strange features connected with 1991VN. As we mentioned above, the mystery object has a heliocentric orbit that spans past the edge of our galaxy, interestingly, this orbit is unusually similar to our own spinning orb. However, objects in space with a diameter similar to that of 1991VN do not normally behave like this. What’s even strange is that the continued speed of 1991VN doesn’t make [...]