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Scotland Permanently Bans Fracking

Scotland have taken a bold stand against fracking and permanently banned the controversial practise in the country.  The Scottish parliament voted in favor of outlawing fracking permanently following a temporary ban implemented in January 2015. reports: Members of the ruling Scottish National Party abstained from the vote, which passed 32 to 29, though SNP Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse claimed the government remains “deeply sceptical” of fracking and none would be allowed to proceed unless distinct evidence proved the practice ‘causes no harm,’ the Guardian reported. Scottish Labour Party environment spokesperson, Claudia Beamish, said following the vote, The SNP government must now clarify whether or not they will respect the will of parliament and introduce an outright ban on fracking. It would be outrageous for this important vote to be ignored. While ignoring the will of lawmakers could potentiate serious divisions — and, as the Guardian noted, represents a “significant defeat” for the new parliament — SNP has no explicit obligation to follow the non-binding vote. “There is no doubt about the science,” Beamish continued, “to meet our climate change goals and protect our environment we need to develop low carbon sources of energy, not another fossil fuel. Labour’s position [...]