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Shkreli Going To Jail After Judge Revokes Bail

“The most hated man in America” is going to prison over a joke.

Late Wednesday, Brooklyn Judge Kiyo Matsumoto ordered that former Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli’s bail be revoked after prosecutors claimed that a Facebook post published by Shkreli on Sept. 4 was tantamount to an invitation to assault on Hillary Clinton during her upcoming book tour. In a letter demanding a bail hearing, the former hedge fund manager was described as a “threat to the community.”

Matsumoto, who presided over Shkreli’s trial which resulted in convictions on three out of eight counts of wire and securities fraud, said she would not be swayed by the defense’s argument that the post was a harmless joke and that Shkreli didn’t intend to harm anybody. Instead, the Judge revoked Shkreli’s $5 million bail and ordered him directly remanded to jail pending his sentencing, according to the Daily News. No date has been set for his sentencing.

Shkreli told the judge, prosecutors and secret service agents who asked to interview him about the post that it was intended as satire. In the original post, Shkreli offered $5,000 for a strand of Hillary Clinton’s hair, claiming that he would have a DNA analysis done to confirm “that the Clinton Foundation is willing to KILL to protect its secrets.”

See the post in question below:



Since being unceremoniously thrust into the public eye in late 2015 when he was labeled “the most hated man in the world” after his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, hiked the price of Daraprim, a drug that treats toxoplasmosis, by 5,000%, Shkreli has made a habit of publicly antagonizing lawmakers, prosecutors and judges. True to form, Shkreli took to Facebook to blast prosecutors immediately after the hearing.

Notably, Shkreli is being thrown in jail one day before the close of Shkreli’s auction of the only copy of the Wu-Tang Clan “Once Upon A Time In Shaolin” which he purchased for $2 million in 2015. Bidding has topped out at $1 million in recent days.

In their initial request, prosecutors tried to paint Shkreli as a serial harasser of women, citing his ban from Twitter earlier this year, allegedly for harassing Lauren Duca, a freelance writer who had authored an opinion essay that criticized President-elect Trump. The day before his verdict, Shkreli wrote in a Facebook post: "trial's over tomorrow, b****. Then if I'm acquitted, I get to f*** Lauren Duca."

Shkreli edited the Facebook post after it was first reported in the media, clarifying that the post was meant as satire. Though he says he agrees with Democratic policies, Shkreli sided with President Donald Trump during the election after expressing a frustration with PC culture.

In his sentencing, Shkreli could face as much as 20 years in prison, and although a much shorter sentence - if any - had been expected, today's latest snafu may have just cost Martin dearly.