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Soros Coup: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Fake Protestors Rock Romania

Hundreds of thousands of protestors have taken to the streets in Romania in an attempted coup by George Soros to overthrow the Romanian government. Amid chaotic riots across the country, Romanians geared up for a sixth day of protests on Sunday under the guise of forcing its government to rid the country of corruption – despite the fact the President had already vowed to do so. According to Alex Balan, President of the Union of Banat Romanians, the protests are funded and orchestrated by George Soros in an effort to incite violence and overthrow the democratically elected government in order to install a more globalist-friendly regime. reports: The following is an official statement, in Mr. Balan’s capacity as President of the Union of Banat Romanians, in Serbia: Yesterday’s massive demonstrations in Romania , where around 100,000 people gathered, were sponsored and organized by Soros financed NGO’s in Romania, and by the Soros funded political party, the USR. They were praised and supported by the openly masonic German president of Romania, Klaus Iohanis, who incited violence and called for a revolution. This impostor won a rigged election, he is against Romanian interests and calls for the so-called Europeanization of Romania. Their excuse for rioting was the [...]

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