Actress Susan Sarandon launched a blistering attack on Woody Allen at the Cannes Film Festival as allegations of sexual abuse have been renewed against the director. The outspoken actress says she has nothing good to say about the director accused of abusing his adopted daughter. Speaking at a panel discussing women’s issues in the film industry, Sarandon said that she believes that the Hollywood director had ‘sexually assaulted a child and I don’t think that is right’. The Mail Online reports: Sarandon was asked what she thought of comments by Allen earlier this week that he had no good material for a movie in which an older woman falls in love with a younger man. ‘I have nothing good to say about Woody Allen, so I don’t think we should go there,’ said the Oscar-winner, before repeating the allegations against him, which the director denies and which have never been proved in court. The accusation that Allen abused his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow has continued to haunt the 80-year-old director at Cannes, where he premiered his latest film ‘Cafe Society’ on Wednesday. Ahead of it, Allen’s son Ronan Farrow wrote a column slamming the media for failing to ask hard [...]