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Is This The Top? Champagne Shipments To US Reach 2007 Record Highs

Forget the deplorables; ignore the hollowing out of America's middle-class; dismiss the non-recovery in the nation's labor force; because 'everything must be awesome' in the United States - they're drinking the most champagne since the market top in 2007.


As Bloomberg reports, last year 21.8 million bottles of Champagne arrived on U.S. shores, an increase of 6.3% from the prior year, and a fourth straight gain, according to data released this week from the Champagne Bureau, USA. This is the most bottles since 2007 (and we suspect it was not Hillary's friends who were drinking it).

The U.S. is the highest value market for the French product with sales at about 540 million euros ($582 million), and second in volume to Britain, which guzzled more than 31 million bottles last year.