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Top Commander Fired For Exposing Obama’s Purchase Of Dubai Palace

A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating the Kremlin states that one of the United States top Navy commanders, Admiral Rick Williams, was fired after he sent out an email detailing plans by President Obama to purchase a multi-million dollar villa in Dubai.  Admiral Williams emailed a query on 8 January to the US Naval Institute’s “Readiness Kill Chain” “recipients/responders” list asking why Navy security and intelligence personal had been dispatched from Camp David to Dubai on what he termed an “Obama house hunting mission”. 8 hours after sending the email, the commander was “relieved” from his post. reports: When further questioned by Russian Today journalists via email to provide more details about Admiral Williams firing, this report notes, the Pentagon failed to reply—but then began releasing “anonymous” stories to the US press that Admiral Williams had been viewing pornography on his computer. To such an absurd claim that Admiral Williams (or any US Navy officer or seaman in fact) could view pornography on their computers, SVR analysts in this report note, is an impossibility due to the US Navy/Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI), which not only blocks such sites, but also requires each single user to log in with their own unique [...]