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Top-Secret 9/11 Report Holds Vital Clues On Saudi’s Role In Attacks

Government officials, members of Congress, and 9/11 victims are demanding that the government declassify a top-secret 28-page report that potentially spills the beans on Saudi Arabia’s role in the 2001 attacks.  Bob Graham, the former Florida governor, Democratic U.S. Senator and chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, says that the public deserve to know the truth about the extent of Saudi’s role in the 9/11 atrocities. reports: Graham and his Joint Inquiry co-chair in the House, former Representative Porter Goss (R-FL) — who went on to be director of the CIA — say the 28 pages were excised from their report by the Bush Administration in the interest of national security. Graham wouldn’t discuss the classified contents, but says the 28 pages outline a network of people he believes supported hijackers in the U.S. He tells Kroft he believes the hijackers were “substantially” supported by Saudi Arabia. Asked if the support was from government, rich people or charities, the former senator replies, “all of the above.” “I think its implausible to believe that 19 people, most of whom didn’t speak English, most of whom had never been in the United States before, many didn’t have a high school [...]