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Trump Picks Goldman Sachs Banker For Treasury Secretary

Former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin has been confirmed as Donald Trump’s pick for Treasury Secretary. Mnuchin, a 53-year-old former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker turned Hollywood financier…..who was also a one time Soros employee who has no government experience, confirmed he had been tapped to serve as the President-elects Treasury Secretary. Is this a signal that Trump’s administration will be pro–Wall Street?…what happened about draining the swamp? The appointment of Mnuchin certainly signifies yet another shift from the President-elect’s major campaign promises. During his campaign Trump said that Goldman Sachs had total control of Hillary Clinton and had ‘robbed our working class’. US uncut reports: President-elect Donald Trump continues to betray the populist, drain-the-swamp rhetoric that propelled him into office with each new cabinet appointment. Whoever runs the U.S. Department of the Treasury arguably has more sway over the United States — and even the global economy — than even the president himself. As Mnuchin’s cabinet appointment appears to be on track for an official announcement Wednesday, his record should be closely examined, particularly in comparison to the populist veneer Trump constructed for himself during the course of his presidential campaign. In a 2-minute campaign ad released just before [...]

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