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Trump To Take "Four Or Five" Executive Actions On Day One

Trump is not planning to waste any time.

According to the spokesman Sean Spicer, cited by Reuters, president-elect Donald Trump may take four or five executive actions on Friday, the day he is sworn into office.

"He's got a few of them probably in the area of four or five that we're looking at for Friday," some of them logistical, Spicer said Wednesday at a news briefing. "Then there are some other ones that I expect him to sign with respect to a couple of issues that have been high on his priority list."

Spicer did not elaborate. Trump had promised to take executive actions immediately after taking office to counter some of the policies of Democratic President Barack Obama.

And while it is unclear what actions Trump will take, Forbes has compiled a list of Obama's own Executive Orders which will likely be target by Trump as soon as he steps into office:

Executive Orders: 

Most executive orders are not regulatory. But when they are, the complexity of overturning them grows as Washington administers more private, local or state concerns, all without Congress passing a law. President Obama has issued executive orders on (for example) a minimum wage for federal contractors, a Non-Retaliation for Disclosure of Compensation Information decree, an order on paid sick leave for federal contractors, and controversial orders on cybersecurity information sharing and sanctions on individuals allegedly engaged in malicious cyber activity. There is even an order to better regulate us with behavioral science; government as helicopter parent, one might say.

Notable recently was Obama’s regulatory pro-antitrust “Steps to Increase Competition and Better Inform Consumers and Workers to Support Continued Growth of the American Economy.” This action proposed interventionist policies and attempted to cast most blame for anti-competitive business practices on private actors like the telecommunications sector, rather than the regulatory state's overreach, cronyism, public/private partnerships and government favors.

On the environmental side, we have“Safeguarding the Nation from the Impacts of Invasive Species”; a “Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade” directive to federal agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than a third; and controversial proclamations designating numerous national monuments.

As of today, President Obama has issued 292 executive orders, fewer actually than Bush or Clinton. While observers of executive action point to executive orders, these are not the source of most major decrees. Instead, unilateral memoranda, agency guidance and other dark matter dominate.