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Trump's Ominous Tweet: "China's Help With North Korea Has Not Worked Out. At Least It Tried"

In what appears to be a rather ominous tweet posted moments ago by Donald Trump, the President said that "while I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!"

Trump's troubling statement follows an earlier tweet about North Korea, in which he said that "The U.S. once again condemns the brutality of the North Korean regime as we mourn its latest victim."

So is this Trump's implicit warning that he is about to launch an attack on North Korea, following a failed intervention by China, in retaliation for the death of Otto Warmbier?  If so, it may be problematic since as we showed several days ago, both US carriers Ronald Reagan and Carl Vinson appeared to have left the Korean peninsula as of last week, suggesting that any military action will require their return first.

Alternatively, without reading too much between the lines, Trump's tweet could simply be a statement of disapproval regarding China's failed attempt to "normalize" the North Korean situation.

In any case, if Trump is about to launch an attack on North Korea, that much discussed, record low VIX regime may finally be about to break, just remember...